Friday, 30 October 2009
Costume Research

Thursday, 29 October 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Make-up Research

As I do not have at hand state of the art special effects, I need for the slaves of King Midas to appear like creatures by the use of unusual make-up. I therefore did some research on what I believed I could develop for the creatures in my music video. I want to use bold colours so the camera camera can pick these up and inhance them. Thinking about the creatures and their part in the music video, I believe I will use red or blue or black colours as these are darker and more menacing colours to heighten their evil in the video. Looking at the images that I have collected, I like the idea of adding unusual false eyelashes to the female creature and features to their hair, to make them seem less human.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Costume, Hair and Make-up Ideas

Due to the abnormality of the characters involved within the narrative of my music video and for effect to to keep the interest of the audience, the costumes, hair and make-up must be thoroughly researched. Therefore, I have collected images from magazines and the internet to help develop possible ideas for costume, hair and make-up.
When looking at the lyrics, it mentions a character known as King Midas of whom is known in Greek mythology. Therefore, I wish to have a costume theme of Ancient Greece. In reflection of what was said in the Vox Pop, about something being unusual and odd grabbing their attention, I wish for my music video to echo this. When thinking about themes of which are weird and wonderful I came across the theme of Alice in Wonderland. Moreover, I wish for the costumes, hair and make-up to represent both a grecian and wonderland style.
This images shown above is a collection of pictures from magazines. The larger image of the woman in the green dress gave me the idea of using natural colours for make-up for the main character, the atist whilst within this other world. All dresses within the collection use material that flows and creates a sense of elegance which is what I am initially thinking for the artist. The image in the top left hand corner of the lower collection of images, represents a possible idea for the creatures within the narrative. The blue of the eyes stand out and she almost looks ghost like.
When thinking about the theme of wonderland and the costume from the Imogen Heap music video 'Goodnight & Go' I began to look at ballerinas. I like the way the underskirts lift up the dress in a way to create a far more fanatasy look about them. Thinking about this, I believe I will use an underskirt for the artist's costume.Sunday, 4 October 2009
Further Lyric Research
Saturday, 3 October 2009

Friday, 2 October 2009
Pitch and Treatment
One woman's extravagant journey from her struggling life to a world of Greek mythology.
Looking into her mirror she sees of what was before. A glamorous, confident woman. Brought back to reality, a nervous wreck stands before her. Hair unbrushed, face bare par the darkening circles beneath her tired eyes. To rid herself of the throbbing in both her head and body, her hand delves into her medical draw. In her haste she swallows whatever pill she grabs hold of, unaware of a possible fault. She runs, hurrying her things into her handbag. She reaches the front door to discover it is locked. Fubbling with her keys she turns to see a door that was not there before. Seeing this door she drops her things, the drug within her taking hold of her mind. She touches the door curiously, her fingers walking up the door. Suddenly, she grabs hold of the handle and opens the door. She is swallowed by bright, white light till she finds herself within another world. She looks at both her hands and the forest around her. Her appearence now altered to an unusual, but stunning woman, her clothes a cross between Grecian and wonderland. As autumn leaves fall from above, soon these are mixed with photos. Curious she picks one up. It is the silhoutte of a man. She looks up to see that the photos have formed a path in front of her. She follows them, then suddenly she catches a glimpse of another. Terrified, she hides behind a tree. She peers round to see odd creatures, clothed in robes, drag a man through the forest. She turns back again and glances at a photo. As her confidence mounts she grabs a spear like stick and follows them whilst in the shadow of the trees. The party of creatures halt at a clearing, the woman peering behind a tree. Within this clearing is a grand table, a white cloth draped upon it. Beside this is a throne and there sits King Midas. Upon his head is a golden, wired crown, his Grecian clothes of greater quantity and grandeur. The creatures thrust the man to Midas' feet. In a rush of adrenaline, the woman throws a fallen apple at a creatures head. He falls instantly and she rams some of the creatures against a tree trunk with a stick. Suddenly, her hands and arms are forced behind her back. The once fallen creature throws her to the King's feet. Beside her is the man, yet his face unseen as he focuses upon the ground. Furious, King Midas touches her forehead with his finger. She looks at her hands to see that a glittering substance blows from her palms. Panicking, she looks up as she is transformed into a miniature, golden statue of herself. Beside her is the man although, now a golden reflection. Grinning, King Midas picks her up above the table. Suddenly, she begins to wiggle in his hand. Terrified he drops her into his water filled glass. The glass tips and the woman transforms. Whilst the party stare, stunned, she grasps hold of the golden man and runs from the clearing. The creatures, however soon follow. She quickly finds shelter by a tree, and places the golden statue down. From a puddle beside her, she drips the water from it upon the statue. The statue transforms into the man, his face now visible to her. In thanks he holds her hands and lifts her up. Now in the sunlight, he pulls her close and their lips edge closer together. Suddenly, the nervous wreck falls to the floor in her hallway. She feels something within her grasp and opens it. There, in her hand is a key with a label attached. It reads, 'I'm yours'.
Vox Pop
From what was said in the Vox Pop, even though only eight interviews took place there is still a variety of opinions upon the subject of music videos. I can, however make a correlation to the reasons why certain music videos stay in their mind. In the discussion of music video, words such as, 'arty', 'weird', and 'different' crept up in many of the interviews. This has given me insight to the types of things I need to keep in mind when creating my music video. In response to the conversations with the market the video must be different, orginal, something unusual and new. Upon the discussion of narrative or live band within the video, there has been some who have the strong view of having simply the band playing otherwise it detracts from the lyrics. The rest of those responded that they prefered a mixture of the two, with both a narrative and the band playing. I have therefore decided, in order to interest a wider range of the market to merge both a narrative and the band playing together.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Inspiration and Analysis
The themes for my music video errupted when I watched the unusual Smirnoff advert. The advert itself consists of a mix of Shakespeare's Midsummer Nights Dream and Alice in Wonderland. The narrative for the advertisment was the gathering of people for a fancy dress party, whilst socialising and drinking Smirnoff. The mise-en-scene of the advert is based within a forest, the autumn leaves, the carpet upon the earth and the trees glowing with fairy lights. What really grasped my imagination was the variety and the originality of the costumes. It very much reminded me of another world, a different group of society, with varying rules and ways of life. What may be different in repicating similiar mise-en-scene is that it would be difficult creating a scene with limited light sources.