Here is a gathering of my initial ideas. With the song, 'Rabbit Heart (Raise It up)', I wish for the digipak to represent this. My thoughts first turned toward rabbits and then to the character Peter Rabbit. I want for the artist to be on the front cover, representing in someway, a rabbit. Having the artist in some form of rabbit costume would deter from the seriousness of the video and the band. Therefore, looking at the appearance of Peter Rabbit, I thought that perhaps the artist could wear a blue jacket, and light brown or cream clothing to represent a rabbits fur. Keeping to the theme of Peter Rabbit I thought that the front image could be of her in a cabbage patch,frightened, with her 'Rabbit Heart' rising in 
rhythm and speed. I then looked at perhaps not using the artist at all in the digipak cover, like one that I had previously looked at. It had used illustrations as the cover and thought perhaps, a rabbit could be drawn into a forest scene. The rabbit appearing small in this forest world. I then fell upon the idea of capturing a photograph of a wild rabbit in a woods somewhere, however felt that this would be very difficult to capture as animals are unpredictable. Thinking about the forest, I thought an image could be of her in a rabbit hole, with her sitting inside. To dig such a large hole in a hill would be difficult and therefore fell upon the idea of her sitting inside a concrete pipe. Representing her rabbit hole, yet the concrete would represent the feeling of being trapped in the modern world, as the music video shows.
With this, I also thought perhaps using some elements of greek mythology into the cover, with the rim of the tunnel with greecian patterns. Moreover, with King Midas merged at the top as if looking over the artist and his slaves hording around her in the picture. To create such a pattern on the pipe would be difficult, so feel that this idea could not be developed furt

her. In conclusion I have decided to position the artist inside a concrete pipe, wearing a blue jacket, like Peter Rabbit.
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