Friday, 30 April 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Director Interview Script

(Medium shot - interviewer looking straight at the camera)

Tom: Hi, welcome to 'Wadlow and the Stars', I'm Tom Wadlow and today I'm joined with...

(Medium shot - Director)

Kerry Leeds, the director of the new Florence and the Machine video

(Medium shot - Interviewer)

Tom: Now I love your video, I want to ask, how did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

(Medium shot - Director)

Director: Throughout the planning, production and evaluation stages I had to rely heavily upon media technologies.

For research of music videos, I viewed the Smirnoff Advert 'Hatter's Summer Night Dream' on television and Imogen Heap's 'Goodnight & Go' music video which helped for me develop the theme -

(Medium shot - Interviewer)

- of the mix of ancient greece and alice in wonderland. With Imogen Heap's music video she had -

(Medium shot - Director)

- little dolls to represent her and her lover which are key in my music video. To document all my research I used a blog on which I also placed a Vox Pop. This helped to keep all research together to develop these into ideas for the final video. During the production of the music video, I used two cameras. This helped greatly for when the battery life expired in one camera so in the same day I could continue filming. For the band scenes, I used spot lights within a studio to highlight the artist and her band. With the lights I could show the connection between the two worlds, the forest world and the band. When the artist was turned into a golden doll, the lights in the studio allowed me to dim the scene of the band showing weakness in their new form. When editing the footage I used iMovie which allowed for me to alter colours in the shots. For the house scenes I altered the brightness, lowered the saturation and increased the contrast to create a grey like appearance to her depressing life. For the forest scenes I dramatically increased the saturation so the colours would appear brighter, a dramatic comparison to the artist's normal life. Using the iMovie helped me to give the band scenes the effect of a dream-like appearance. With the editing software I would not have been able to give the video a professional appearance. Also I would not have been able to create the glowing transition when the artist enters the new world. Throughout the process of the music video, all research, planning and evaluation have been placed on a blog. With this I have been able to keep track of ideas and the processes to form the music video.

(Medium shot - interviewer)

Tom: Well thank you for you time

(Medium shot - interviewer)

Director: That's all right

(Medium shot - interviewer)

Tom: And i look forward to seeing your next music video

(Medium shot - Director)

(Medium shot - interviewer)

Tom: That's all for this evening. Join me next week when I'll be joined by the creator of the short film 'BEEP'

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