From the beginning I wanted for the ancillary to differ slightly in theme to the music video, yet to still have that connection that people would recognise. Within the music video, the set themes within are Greek mythology and Alice in Wonderland. These can be seen by costume, make-up and the action of the artist turning into gold. Looking at similar products, the digipak does not necessarily use the same images from the music video. I still, however wanted to view the connection of the advertisement and digipak to the music video. Therefore, I turned again to the title of the song for inspiration such as I had done for the lyrics for the music video. With the title 'Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up)' I turned to the idea of having the artist acting physically like a rabbit. Within the music video, the link was the artist's fear whereas for the digipak and the advertisement it would present the fear and physical form of a rabbit. When it came to colours, used for both the digipak and the advertisement, I looked again at the comparison of the house scenes and forest scenes of the music video. The life the artist lives in the video is surrounded in a dull grey, whereas in the forest scenes the new world is bold with colour. With reference of the colours and the trap of a boring life in the video, I wanted for the images used for the digipak and advertisement to reflect this. Therefore, I took images of the artist crouched in a rabbit position with scared expressions upon her face. When editing, the artist was highlighted in colour and the world around her blurred and grey.
Overall, the ancillary tasks differ from the main product, however keeping similar themes used within the music video, such as colour and the link to rabbits and fear.
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